World Environment Day 2021
04 June 2021
The theme of the World Environment Day 2021 is “Ecosystem Restoration” under the campaign “Reimagine. Recreate. Restore.”

This year, the Day will also serve as the formal launch of the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030.
This theme underlines the urgency of action needed to address multiple harms to the natural environment mainly caused by human activity. It also serves as a reminder that our lives, well-being, economy and social development all depend on critical services provided by ecosystems, such as oxygen and freshwater.
June 5
Trainings on the topic of restoration of the degraded pasturelands and climate change issues to be conducted by FAO under the project Achieving Land Degradation Neutrality Targets of Georgia through Restoration and Sustainable Management of Degraded Pasturelands (MSP), in partnership with CENN.
June 5, 14:00, Mziuri Park
Public event dedicated to the World Environment day to be organized by the UN in Georgia in partnership with Georgia Alliance for Safe Roads, with participation of govt officials, eco-activists, experts, civic education teachers and youth. The main topic of the meeting - air pollution and sustainable transport.
June 5, Tbilisi Gallery Mall (Rustaveli ave.)
Photo exhibition dedicated to the World Environment Day. Photos by FAO, UNDP and UNO to be displayed.
June 5
UN Women awareness raising activities with the participation of grassroots women. Women will plant trees in their villages as their windshield/ windbreak line.
June 7, 15:00, Zoom meeting
UN Dialogue Series meeting about the environmental challenges facing Georgia.