Longer, healthier lives for all: WHO at 75
09 April 2023
This year, starting on 7 April, World Health Day, we celebrate 75 years of continuous work dedicated to improving human health.

The World Health Organization was founded in 1948, based on the principle that everyone has the right to the highest attainable standard of health, regardless of their race, religion, political belief, or economic or social condition.
This year, starting on 7 April, World Health Day, we celebrate 75 years of continuous work dedicated to improving human health. Over this time, we have made extraordinary advances in public health: average life expectancy across the WHO European Region’s 53 Member States in Europe and central Asia has increased by 16 years.
Scientific discoveries, medical developments and global health agreements have changed our world.
We have developed and rolled out vaccines against smallpox, poliomyelitis and measles, establishing the Expanded Programme on Immunization to bring lifesaving vaccines to children worldwide.
The discovery of modern antibiotics has meant that previously deadly infectious diseases can be treated easily, and has made many medical procedures, from organ transplants to cancer chemotherapy, possible.
The lives of millions of women have changed following widespread access to sexual and reproductive health and rights.
Twenty years ago, countries adopted WHO’s first global public health treaty – the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control – to stop tobacco use.
They also committed to implementing the International Health Regulations (2005), a global framework to protect people from health emergencies, and strengthen efforts to prevent and respond to public health threats.
New diagnostics, medicines and treatments for tuberculosis, HIV, cancer, dementia, and many other diseases and conditions have become available.
Today, we have a much better understanding of the interlinked environmental, economic, behavioural and genetic factors that affect our health.
Together, these advances, made possible by dedicated health professionals, have ensured that the European Region is a healthier place.
As we look back on 75 years of science-driven learning and collaboration across countries and cultures and celebrate our collective achievements, we stand at a critical juncture. There are many opportunities still to be harnessed, and ever-more complex climate, demographic, economic and political crises that affect our health to be resolved.
Our resilience and capacity to work together is under unprecedented pressure, reminding us how fragile our health can be, and why we cannot allow more than 7 decades of groundbreaking achievements to be reversed or undone.
The goal that has guided WHO since 1948 is as important today as it was at our founding – to work together to improve the health and well-being of every person and achieve health for all.
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