Press Release

The President of Georgia declared 2015 the Year of Women

19 January 2015

  • Presidents’ initiative is a direct reaction on domestic violence cases in which almost 30 women in Georgia were killed last year

The President of Georgia, George Margvelashvili declared 2015 the Year of Women at a press conference held in the presidential palace on January 15th.

Presidents’ initiative is a direct reaction on domestic violence cases in which almost 30 women in Georgia were killed last year:  “During early 90s Women in Georgia have faced a very difficult period while the classic structures of our society, politics and economy, all the institutions went down. During these long years of civil wars and transition period women have saved our families from hunger and difficulties. Unfortunately last year there were 29 women victims of violence, killed by their partners and husbands. There is no remedy to tolerate such cases. We have to condemn violence against women and girls and make tangible steps to eliminate domestic violence and violence against women”.

President stressed that 2015 offers an exceptional opportunity for further advancement of women’s rights, as the world celebrates the 20th anniversary of the Beijing Platform for Action, the most comprehensive global gender agenda so far. In his speech he underlined the need to increase participation of women in public and political life, including through temporary special measures and quotas, and expressed his readiness to support and foster all initiatives promoting women's rights in Georgia.

President then invited the UN Women Representative in Georgia, Erika Kvapilova to take floor. She congratulated the President to the important initiative and his personal commitment and commended the government and parliament for making important policy steps towards non-discrimination and gender equality, by adopting in 2014 several key policy documents and legislation.  She reiterated that the Year of Women in Georgia, 20th anniversary of the Beijing Platform for Action and the 15th Anniversary of UNSCR 1325 “ present an opportunity to celebrate the progress made towards women’s empowerment, but also remind us about the persisting gaps and challenges” such as the need to overcome stereotypical attitudes towards the roles of men and women in the family and  society, improve planning and budgeting for the needs of the most vulnerable groups of women, address the gender discrimination in work place, increase women’s participation in all spheres of live and introduce measures that lead to substantial equality between men and women.

Members of Parliament, governmental representatives, Public Defender, representatives of diplomatic corps, civil society organizations and women’s activist participated in the event. 

UN entities involved in this initiative

UN Women
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women

Goals we are supporting through this initiative