Gender Equality in Business and Politics
06 July 2015
- More than twenty companies and organizations competed for Gender Equality Awards – the national contest held in Georgia for the fourth time this year.

The winner of Best Women Entrepreneur Award – Nutsa Abramishvili of Shuhman Winery was awarded by the President of Georgia, Giorgi Margvelashvili, who attended the event as a special guest.
“Georgia has moved a long way to ensuring gender equality in every aspect of political, economic and social life. We are determined to build a society where everyone can enjoy their rights and exercise their choices without discrimination,” President Margvelashvili said.
The Gender Equality Awards was organised by the Gender Equality Council of the Parliament of Georgia with assistance from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Government of Sweden as part of the UN Joint Programme “To Enhance Gender Equality in Georgia”.
“Georgia needs more gender equality in political life as well as in business. I am sure that we are on the right track to achieve significant progress in this area,” said Manana Kobakhidze, First Deputy Chairperson of the Parliament of Georgia and Chair of the Gender Equality Council.
Shombi Sharp, acting Head of UNDP in Georgia, stressed the importance of the Gender Equality Awards for promoting women’s participation and leadership roles in politics, business and social life.
“We salute women entrepreneurs and leaders who are taking risks and succeeding in business and public service. And the companies and public agencies celebrated today have discovered a recipe for success that needs to be shared. The message is clear – gender equality in business and politics, which builds on the foundation of full rights and protections for women and girls, means a more prosperous Georgia for all,” Shombi Sharp said.
The awards ceremony brought together representatives of the Government and Parliament of Georgia, business, civil society, diplomatic missions and international organizations. Media partners of the event were Forbes Georgia, and Radio “Tavisupleba”.
Gender Equality Winners 2015:
Grand Award for Gender Equality:
- Kula
Woman Entrepreneur Award:
- Nutsa Abramishvili (Shuhman Winery)
Gender Balance at the Executive Level:
- Personal Data Protection Bureau
- Policy and Management Consultancy Group
Best Innovative Gender Policy:
- GTS Electronics
Special Recognition for Gender Awareness Trainings:
- Zurab Zhvania School of Public Administration
Special Recognition for Female Empowerment Programme:
- Geocell
Special Recognition for Gender Budget Implementation:
- Ozurgeti City Hall
Special Recognition for Supporting Women Entrepreneurship:
- Cooperative Alvani
Special Recognition for Supporting Women in Leadership:
- Radisson Blu Iveria Hotel