UN Chief Calls for Greater Protection for Children Caught up in COVID-19 Crisis
16 April 2020
- In a statement on the new findings, UN Secretary-General António Guterres called for urgent action to support the world’s children amid the universal crisis.
“Thankfully, children have so far been largely spared from the most severe symptoms of the disease. But their lives are being totally upended”, he said. “I appeal to families everywhere, and leaders at all levels: protect our children.”
The report finds that the socio-economic impact of the pandemic, together with measures to mitigate the spread of the new coronavirus, could potentially be catastrophic for millions of children worldwide.
It details how the crisis is putting young lives at risk in key areas that include education, food, safety and health.
Practically all students worldwide are now out of school because of the pandemic.
Nearly 190 countries have imposed school closures, affecting 1.5 billion children and young people.
The report stated that the losses in learning today, and in their future development, are hard to fathom.
“Some schools are offering distance learning, but this is not available to all”, the Secretary-General said, adding that children in countries with slow and expensive Internet services are severely disadvantaged.