TV and online platforms launched to support families of children with disabilities amid COVID-19 crisis
24 April 2020
- Parents and caregivers of children with disabilities will receive necessary guidance and emotional support through TV and online platforms launched by UNICEF in partnership with the Agency for State Care and Assistance for the Victims of Human Trafficking, Georgian Public broadcaster and MAC Georgia and with the support of UKAid.

Starting from 25 April TV programme “Parents’ Time” will be aired twice a week on Georgian Public Broadcaster’s new Education channel featuring experienced professionals providing specific recommendations on challenges that children with disabilities and their families are facing during the COVID-19 pandemic. The topics of the TV programmes include how to develop independent living skills, behavior management techniques, teaching and learning strategies, parental self-care, etc. Questions from the audience will be collected via online platforms before to ensure maximum participation from the target audience. The TV programmes will be aired every Saturday and Sunday at 1:00 pm.
The unified Facebook platform “Mshoblis Skivri” was also launched to identify the needs, develop content, and provide resources aimed at supporting children with disabilities and their families during the quarantine. The emphasis will be placed on those resources that provide guidance on academic, emotional, and behavioral support. The platform will feature Facebook Live segments with participation of psychologists, experts and parents on a range of topics discussed in the TV programmes. Online messenger will enable chat sessions with parents to answer frequently asked questions and provide emotional support.
The COVID-19 outbreak has created additional challenges for children with disabilities and their families. Apart from being concerned with their children’s elevated risk for infection, loss of family income and reduced access to food, medical and hygiene supplies, parents of children with disabilities also find themselves responsible for their child’s often complex physical, academic and psychological needs as they are mostly cut off from all in-person services and support.