Gender Pension Gap in Georgia: Gender Disparities within Georgia’s Funded Pension Scheme. 2024

The research was carried out in 2024, by PMC Research with the support of UNDP and the UK International Development of the UK Government, within the framework of the project 'Supporting Public Administration Reform in Georgia'.
The research employs a mixed-method design, integrating desk research, statistical analysis, focus groups, and two types of quantitative modelling: universal and customized.
The universal model evaluates the average participant in the accumulated pension scheme, segmented solely by gender. The customized model is segmented by gender, employer type, and investment portfolio.
The research findings reveal that the gender pension disparity in Georgia is shaped by various factors, primarily associated with the structure of the labour market, retirement ages for women and men, average life expectancy, and the level of financial literacy among both genders.
Key Findings:
- Findings obtained through the universal model indicate a 46% disparity in savings between men and women, which is predominantly attributed to the gender wage gap and differences in retirement age.
- With male employees dominating both the public and private sectors, fewer women participate in the accumulated pension scheme.
- The customized model shows that in the private sector, men represent 57% of participants, while women make up 43%. Conversely, in the public sector, men constitute 61% of participants, and women's share is 39%.
Based on the research findings, recommendations have been developed for various agencies to mitigate the gender pension disparity. These recommendations pertain to planning and implementing interventions addressing the factors exacerbating this disparity.