Gender Equality Attitudes Study in Georgia

The 2024 Gender Equality Attitudes Study (GEAS) in Georgia was commissioned by UN Women within the framework of the “Women’s Increased Leadership for Democracy in Georgia” (WILD) project generously supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). The study was implemented by CRRC-Georgia.
The GEAS entailed a nationwide public opinion survey that was designed to measure the prevalence of discriminatory attitudes and gender-based stereotypes contributing to gender inequality in Georgia. The survey methodology is informed by UN Women and the Unstereotype Alliance’s Gender Equality Attitudes Study, which is regularly conducted by UN Women in 20 countries.
The study captures public attitudes and social norms on gender equality in the following 10 key areas of interest: education, work and employment, leadership and participation, marriage and family life, safety and violence, health care, control over one’s life, control of personal finances, access to physical property, and future ideals.
To access and analyze survey data please visit