Country Gender Equality Profile of Georgia, 2023

Country Gender Equality Profile (CGEP) of Georgia serves as a comprehensive national-level analysis of the status of gender equality in the country. Based on quantitative and qualitative analysis of recent data, the CGEP provides strategic analysis of progress, trends, challenges and priorities around gender equality in Georgia and serves as a blueprint for targeted interventions, policy reforms and institutional improvements to advance gender equality and women’s rights in the country.
Aligned with the corporate guidelines on developing a CGEP and the critical areas of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BPfA), the CGEP covers such subjects as poverty and social protection; women’s economic empowerment; health; education; violence against women; women, peace and security; women in power and decision-making; and climate and natural disasters. The analysis presented in the CGEP is complemented with time series analyses of gender-specific SDG indicators.
The CGEP 2023 was prepared within the framework of the UN Women-implemented project “Women’s Increased Leadership for Democracy in Georgia” (WILD), supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).