Share the Easter spirit, not the virus!
17 April 2020
- Statement by the United Nations in Georgia
Easter is a very special occasion for Georgia, when many families come together and share a heartwarming celebration. The community spirit at the heart of Easter includes a sense of responsibility to protect ourselves and others from COVID-19.
The UN in Georgia commends the people of Georgia for the responsible way they are complying with the protective measures recommended by the Government, guided by the advice of the World Health Organization (WHO). This approach has already reduced the number of cases of infection and saved lives. We need to continue this trend.
This year we call on every family in Georgia to share the spirit of the celebration, but put the health and the wellbeing of the community first. Please, stay home and avoid gatherings to ensure that you and your loved ones remain healthy in these unheard-of circumstances.
More than ever, we should make use of modern technology to reconnect with relatives and friends living far and close: physical distancing is not social isolation. Let’s maintain our connections by conducting faith activities in alternative ways.
Adhering to physical distancing rules protect ourselves, our beloved ones and the entire community. It protects in particular the most vulnerable: older people, people living with chronic health conditions and immune suppression.
Following the Government's recommendations will also protect healthcare workers and public health professionals who have been bravely and tirelessly, day and night, fighting the pandemic since the very first case. We need to stay home to let them stay at work healthy and caring for the sick ones.
The UN in Georgia calls on all living in Georgia to continue play your essential role in fighting COVID-19 thus contributing to the national response by staying at home!
The UN wishes all those in Georgia who celebrate a Happy Easter!
Related information: “Practical considerations and recommendations for religious leaders and faith-based communities in the context of COVID-19,” was published by the World Health Organization to guide religious leaders, faith-based organizations, and faith communities during COVID-19. Link