The Secretary-General Message on COVID 19
11 March 2020
- All of us face a common threat – the coronavirus – COVID 19. Today’s declaration of a pandemic is a call to action – for everyone, everywhere.
It’s also a call for responsibility and solidarity – as nations united and as people united.
As we fight the virus, we cannot let fear go viral.
Together, we can still change the course of this pandemic – but that means addressing inaction.
The best science tells us, if countries detect, test, treat, isolate, trace and mobilize their people in the response, we can go a long way to mitigating transmission.
I call on every government to step up and scale up their efforts – now.
And since this is a crisis that affects everyone, we must all play our part.
As we mourn all those who have lost their lives and the many families who are suffering, we must show solidarity with the most vulnerable – the elderly, the sick, those without reliable healthcare, and those on the edge of poverty.
Let’s move forward with resolve and without stigma.
You can count on the UN to do our part.
Let’s overcome this common threat together.