Public attitudes towards persons with disabilities in Georgia. 2020
29 October 2020

The research examines Georgia’s social environment focusing on the public attitudes towards persons with disabilities in seven areas – awareness, stigma and stereotypes, education, employment, rights and privileges, basic needs and social integration, and state policies.
The research was conducted by the Georgian research company “Institute of Social Studies and Analysis” (ISSA) in 2019 and 2020.
The research was commissioned by UNDP as part of a USD 2 million joint programme to improve social protection for persons with disabilities, implemented by six UN agencies with the resources available though the United Nation’s Fund for Sustainable Development Goals.
Key findings:
- 51.2 percent of Georgians are aware of the rights and needs of persons with disabilities and almost 59 percent have a personal experience with PwDs.
- 67.2 percent agree that persons with disabilities can achieve as much success in learning as other members of society and almost half of all respondents, 49.4 percent, state that persons with disabilities can live independently.
- 33.5 percent still think that disability rights are fully protected in Georgia and over 43 percent consider disability care as the goodwill rather than the responsibility of the government.
- Almost 73 percent of all respondents feel comfortable working with a PwD and 70 percent would accept a person with a physical disability at a decision-making position, such as a member of parliament.
- Respondents are less likely to accept people with mental or intellectual impairments as co-workers (46.6 percent), next-door neighbours (36.2 percent) and classmates of their children (47.7 percent). More than half are convinced that people with mental disabilities are not supposed to have children.
- The vast majority of the respondents think that the state should promote inclusive education in schools, professional colleges and universities (70 percent), create inclusive infrastructure (85.1 percent) and increase assistance to PwDs (81.6 percent).
- 72 percent agree that the representation of persons with disabilities must be promoted at all levels of governance.
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