
WHO head calls on  G20 to fight, unite and ignite against COVID-19

27 მარტი 2020

  • Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization, addressed Heads of State at yesterday's extraordinary G20 Leaders’ Summit focused on COVID-19. 

He told them, “You have come together to confront the defining health crisis of our time: We are at war with a virus that threatens to tear us apart - if we let it.“

He welcomed the G20‘s initiative to find joint solutions and work together: “This is a global crisis that requires a global response.”

“Fight, unite, ignite“ - Dr. Tedros’ call was clear.

First, he urged leaders to fight without excuses, without regrets – thanking countries who have already taken steps and urgently asking that they do more.

Second, he encouraged them to unite, stressing that no country can fight this alone, and calling on all countries to build on the solidarity already sparked by the crisis.

Third, he exhorted them to ignite a global movement to ensure this never happens again. 

He welcomed G20 leaders‘ commitment “to do whatever it takes to overcome the pandemic” to protect lives and livelihoods, as well as restore confidence and shore up stability currently threatened in trade and other sectors, and to commit to taking all necessary health measures and seek to ensure adequate financing to contain the pandemic and protect people, especially the most vulnerable.“

The G20 committed to support and further strengthen WHO’s mandate in coordinating the response and called for the full funding of WHO‘s Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan.

The G20 members pledged to work together to increase research and development funding for vaccines and medicines, strengthen international scientific cooperation, and leverage digital technologies.

In turn, they tasked WHO and other relevant organizations with assessing gaps in pandemic preparedness and to report the findings of this assessment to the G20 Finance and Health Ministers, in order to establish a global initiative on pandemic preparedness and response together.

Ketevan Ghioshvili

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World Health Organization

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