
Georgia and Armenia maintain open and secure borders

20 მაისი 2016

  • The achievements and prospects of the Integrated Border Management in the South Caucasus were discussed at a conference, on October 15, 2013.

UNDP presented the results of the EU-funded project to improve border management at the Ninotsminda-Bavra border crossing point between Georgia and Armenia, and introduced a future initiative at the Bagratashen-Sadakhlo border crossing point.

Representatives of the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Finance and National Security Council of Georgia, and the National Security Council, National Security Service, Police and Revenue Committee of Armenia attended the conference together with the senior officers from the State Border Guard Service of Latvia who provided assistance and consultation throughout the project.

Ambassador Philip Dimitrov, Head of the European Union Delegation to Georgia, and Niels Scott, Head of the United Nations Development Programme in Georgia addressed the participants at the opening session.

Ketevan Ghioshvili

ქეთი გიოშვილი

გაეროს მუდმივი კოორდინატორის ოფისი
კომუნიკაციის სპეციალისტი

ამ ინიციატივაში ჩართული გაეროს უწყებები

United Nations Development Programme

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