UN Engages Georgian Civil Society Organizations in Discussion on the Global Compact for Migration
17 მარტი 2021
Under the Auspices of the UN Network on Migration, UN Agencies held an online workshop.

On March 16, UN Agencies together with the Georgian government representatives held an online workshop titled “United Nations Network on Migration and Georgian Civil Society Organizations (SCO)’ Engagement on the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) Process”.
Introductory remarks were delivered by Sabine Machl, UN Resident Coordinator in Georgia, Sanja Celebic Lukovac, IOM Georgia Chief of Mission, Nino Shekriladze, Head of the UN Division of the Department of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia and George Jashi, Executive Secretary of the Secretariat of the Georgian State Commission for Migration Issues.
In her opening remarks, Ms. Machl stated that “in recent decades, Georgia has often been experiencing multiple and simultaneous migration-related challenges and opportunities. Being the country of origin of thousands of migrants working and living abroad, with many families relying on remittances, Georgia is now also a country of transit, and a country of hope and safe haven for a growing number of foreign nationals. “
After the opening remarks, the UN Network on Migration Secretariat representatives - Ms. Monami Maulik, Civil Society Liaison Officer and Mr. Abdel Diop, Policy Officer – spoke to the participants about the structure of the network, regional review process, whole-of-society approach, and stakeholder engagement. Champion Countries Initiative aimed at showcasing the best practices in GCM implementation and building awareness around GCM and the Networks at regional and country levels, were also presented.
After the presentations, the participant civil society organizations had a chance to engage in a discussion and receive clarifications.
According to IOM Georgia Chief of Mission, Ms. Sanja Celebic Lukovac “The year 2021 will be the year of the Network operationalization: its ambitious 2021 plan includes a series of GCM-related events and initiatives.”
IOM expressed readiness to continue the efforts, aimed at active engagement of CSOs in the GCM implementation and the activities of the Georgia UN Network on Migration, which is coordinating the UN collective contribution to migration governance in Georgia by facilitating, supporting and complementing the 2021-2030 Migration Strategy of Georgia based on the provisions of the GCM.