
Gardabani: Workshop on Sustainable Development Goals

30 ივლისი 2018

  • On July 30 – August 3 the Gardabani Municipality hosted the first workshop on Sustainable Development Goals.

This workshop aimed to familiarize members the Municipality Sakrebulo (local assembly) and representatives of local self-government bodies with the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda with the final goal of strengthening the role of local governments in localizing the SDGs.

The workshop was organized by the  Youth Initiative for Democracy with the support of UNO Tbilisi and the Gardabani Municipality.

The localization of the SDGs and the urban agenda has been one of the main mottos since the formulation of the 2030 Agenda.  To this end, the workshop was designed in a way to facilitate learning among local government representatives and improve key skills that will allow participants to implement the SDGs in their territories.

Among the topics of the workshop were: the introduction to the SDGs and their importance for Georgia and, in particular, for municipal management.

In summary, the three-day workshop was very successful and a good mix of content and exchanging opinion.

The workshop was capped by opening of UN Corner at Gardabani Municipality.

Ketevan Ghioshvili

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United Nations

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