
Consultations on strategic areas of a new UNSDCF 2021-2025 continue

15 ივნისი 2020

UN is carrying out a third stakeholder consultation in support of the UNSDCF

On June 10 the third online consultation with the government at all levels and a significant number and diversity of non-state stakeholders was held to ensure coordination and alignment of a new UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) 2021-2025 with the country’s development priorities.

 The new UNSDCF will guide the work and collaboration of the Government of Georgia and the United nations till 2026 towards one overarching priority, “Enhancing Human Wellbeing, Capabilities and Social Equality”. To contribute to this priority, the Cooperation Framework will be articulated around five priority areas: effective, transparent and accountable institutions; equal and inclusive access to quality services; inclusive economy and human capital development (jobs/livelihoods); human security and resilience; and  environment and climate change. 

The consultation on outcome 3, “All people living in Georgia benefit from a sustainable and inclusive economy” involved over 65 participants from the government, the UN system and other international organizations, civil society, academia,  and the private sector.

Opening the online meeting, the UN Resident Coordinator, Dr. Sabine Machl noted  that through the consultations the UNCT is trying to identify directions to follow during the coming five-years and ensure that right priorities of the country are envisaged in the Cooperation Framework document.

Iamze Mirizanashvili, the co-chair of the third outcome group, FAO Program Assistant,  highlighted the UN’s  integrated commitment to accelerate the agriculture and rural development, to strengthen the private sector competitiveness and livelihoods, and to enhance  full and productive employment and decent work in order to ensure that all people living in Georgia benefit from inclusive and sustainable economy.

The consultation participants reiterated the importance of promotion of the private sector development and export-oriented production, and enhancement of skill development led labor productivity. The need for covering of all vulnerable groups, including women, migrants, returnees, and informal workers, who are frequently not protected by available mechanisms of social protection, was highlighted.

The discussion also covered challenges related to the fragmentation of agriculture, the existing disparities between Tbilisi and the rest of the country and the need to introduce innovative modern technologies into the sector.

The consultations with the experts and stakeholders will continue to enable  them contribute and voice their opinion on the priority areas.

The results of the consultation will contribute to the preparation of the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) for 2021-2025.

Ketevan Ghioshvili

ქეთი გიოშვილი

გაეროს მუდმივი კოორდინატორის ოფისი
კომუნიკაციის სპეციალისტი

ამ ინიციატივაში ჩართული გაეროს უწყებები

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
International Labour Organization
International Organization for Migration
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
UN Women
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations Department of Safety and Security
United Nations Population Fund
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
United Nations Children’s Fund
United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute
United Nations Industrial Development Organization
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
United Nations Office for Project Services
World Health Organization

ამ ინიციატივაში ჩართული სხვა უწყებები

International Monetary Fund
World Bank
World Bank

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